ओएसए की एक विशेष बैठक का आयोजन

ओएसए की एक विशेष बैठक का आयोजन 24 जनवरी 2016 को 11 बजे प्रातः स्कूल प्रांगण में किया गया जिसमे स्कूल की 150 वीं वर्षगांठ गरिमामय रूप से आयोजित करने हेतु चर्चा हुई।
हर्ष का विषय है कि ओ ब्लाक की heritage भवन के पुनरुद्धार का श्रीगणेश 15 जनवरी 2016 को चुका है।
ठेका लेने वाली चंडीगढ़ की कंपनी के MD श्री धवन ने जानकारी दी कि पुनरुद्धार का कार्य 2 वर्ष के अंतराल में पूर्ण होगा और यह विशुद्ध वैज्ञानिक आधार पर संपन्न होगा।उन्होंने यह भी बताया की पुरानी विस्थापित सामग्री को पूर्ण वैज्ञानिक ढंग से हटाकर सुरक्षित रूप से भण्डारण किया जा रहा है जिस से कि उसका बाद में सबंधित सरकारी एजेंसी समुचित ढंग से निष्पादन कर सके।
इस अवसर पर बैठक में शामिल सभी सदस्यों ने पुनरुद्धार कार्य का अवलोकन किया । प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार इस कार्य हेतु एशियन डेवलपमेंट बैंक से 4 से 5 करोड़ रूपये व्यय होने का अनुमान है।
इस अवसर के कुछ चित्र आपके अवलोकनार्थ प्रस्तुत हैं।
सदस्यता ग्रहण करने के लिए संपर्क करें:-
आजीवन सदस्यता 1000/-₹ मात्र।
वार्षिक 100 ₹ मात्र
आप पूर्व में दिए गए वार्षिक सदस्यता शुल्क का समायोजन करवा कर भी आजीवन सदस्य बन सकते हैं।
सदस्यता फॉर्म श्री दिनेश गुप्ता ,कोषाध्यक्ष द्वारा मेसर्स धर्म चन्द दिनेश कुमार ( पूर्व मेसर्स दिल्लू राम एंड कम्पनी मंडी ) के यहां उपलब्ध हैं।


OSA Bijay High School Mandi Celebrating   "ANNUAL FOUNDATION DAY" on 9th November, 2014 NOVEMBER  (SUNDAY) at school ground at 11 a.m. All are invited. 

Anil Sharma (President)
 Contact 94 180 80887

धरोहर संरक्षण के बहाने इतिहास बचाने की कवायद

मंडी। विश्व धरोहर दिवस के बहाने मंडी की धरोहरों के संरक्षण की दिशा में महत्वपूर्ण पहल की जा रही है। करीब खंडहर बनी डेढ़ सदी पुरानी विजय हाई स्कूल की इमारत में धरोहर संरक्षण संगोष्ठी का आयोजन अपने आपमें महत्वपूर्ण कदम है। आजादी से पूर्व 1784 में एशियाटिक सोसायटी के गठन के साथ शुरू हुई धरोहर इमारतों और पुरातात्विक महत्व के पुरावशेषों के संरक्षण के प्रति जगी जागरूकता की लौ अब मंडी के विजय हाई स्कूल के भवन पर केंद्रित हो उठी है।
धरोहर संरक्षण में जुटी विभिन्न संस्थाओं, भारतीय पुरातत्व संरक्षण विभाग, प्रदेश भाषा संस्कृति विभाग कृषि एवं पर्यटन विभाग की प्रदर्शनियों के आवरण से 1866 में बनी यह धरोहर इमारत निखर उठी है। 1921 में राजा विजय सेन के नाम से हाई स्कूल का दर्जा प्राप्त इस स्कूल को देश के सबसे अधिक डाक्टर और इंजीनियर देने का गौरव प्राप्त है। वहीं पर प्रदेश के दिग्गज राजनीतिज्ञ पंडित सुखराम, कौल सिंह ठाकुर भी यहीं से शिक्षा ग्रहण कर चुके हैं।
वर्ष 1866 में यहां एंग्लो वर्नाक्यूलर मिडल स्कूल शुरू हुआ था। पहाड़ी और ब्रिटिश काष्ठ भवन कला का यह भवन अद्वितीय नमूना है। जो देखरेख के अभाव में अपना वजूद खोने लगा है। इसके संरक्षण के लिए ओल्ड स्टूडेंट एसोसिएशन और अन्य समाजसेवी संस्थाएं संघर्षरत हैं। इस दो दिवसीय राज्य स्तरीय संगोष्ठी में जहां एक ओर नई पीढ़ी में पुरातत्व और धरोहर संरक्षण के प्रति संवेदनशीलता लाने के लिए भाषण और चित्रकला तथा लोकगीत गायन जैसी प्रतियोगिताओं का आयोजन किया जा रहा है। वहीं पर भारतीय पुरातात्विक सर्वेक्षण विभाग , पर्यटन एवं भाषा संस्कृति विभाग की ओर से प्रदर्शनियों का आयोजन किया जा रहा है।
इधर, इप्टा के राज्य संयोजक लवन ठाकुर का कहना है कि धरोहर संरक्षण गोष्ठी के बहाने प्रदेश की ऐतिहासिक धरोहरों के संरक्षण को लेकर जागरूकता पैदा करना है। वहीं पर जिला भाषा अधिकारी राजकुमार सकलानी का कहना है कि मंडी शहर की प्राचीन महत्व की धरोहर इमारतों के संरक्षण के लिए मामले विभाग की ओर से सरकार को भेजे गए हैं। हाल ही में एमर्सन हाउस का मरम्मत कार्य शुरू हो गया है।

विजय स्कूल के संरक्षण के लिए मुहिम शुरू

विजय हाई स्कूल की धरोहर इमारत को बचाने के लिए स्कूल के ही ओल्ड स्टूडेंट्स कमान संभालने वाले हैं। ओल्ड स्टूडेंट्स चाहते हैं कि प्रदेश सरकार ने जिस तरह से हेरिटेज एमर्सन हाउस के संरक्षण की पहल कर उसके लिए विशेष बजट का प्रावधान किया है, उसी तर्ज पर विजय हाई स्कूल के संरक्षण की पहल होनी चाहिए।
17 अप्रैल और 18 अप्रैल को विजय हाई स्कूल में आयोजित किए जाने वाले वल्र्ड हेरिटेज डे के कार्यक्रम के दौरान स्कूल के संरक्षण की लड़ाई शुरू होगी। हेरिटेज डे पर यहां पुरातत्व विभाग, पर्यटन विभाग, भाषा एवं संस्कृति विभाग सहित धरोहरों के संरक्षण के लिए कई प्रदर्शनियों का आयोजन किया जा रहा है। कांगड़ा मिनियेचर पेंटिंग के लिए पदम भूषण से सम्मानित चित्रकार विजय शर्मा इस समारोह में विशेष तौर पर उपस्थित होंगे। 
1950 में स्कूल के विद्यार्थी रहे टारना के सरदार सरवण सिंह का कहना है कि भवन बाहर से देखने को तो ठीक लगता है, मगर अंदर से इसकी हालत दयनीय है। 
1955 में पढ़ चुके थनेहड़ा के जितेंद्र कुमार का कहना है कि सरकार को रिपेयर करवानी चाहिए। रिपेयर इस ढंग से होनी चाहिए कि इसका स्वरूप न बदले और इसकी बनावट की कारीगरी में फर्क न आए। यह काम तत्काल होना चाहिए। 
1957 में स्कूल में पढ़े अपर समखेतर मुहल्ले के यादविंद्र कौशल कहते हैं कि कि इस तरह का बना स्कूल है और कहां? ऐसे भवन कहां देखने को मिलते हैं। उन्होंने सरकार से मांग है कि स्कूल की मरम्मत ठीक ढंग से की जाए। ऐसे भवन नई पीढिय़ों के लिए संभाल कर रखनी चाहिए। भवन के साथ कई सुनहरी यादें जुड़ी हैं। 
1972 में इस स्कूल में पढ़े भगवान मुहल्ला के लोकेंद्र शर्मा कहते हैं कि कि चाहते हैं कि जिस स्कूल में हमारे बुजुर्ग और हम पढ़े हैं उसे यह शहर एक यादगार के रूप में संभाल कर रखे। यह स्कूल ही नहीं, एक ऐतिहासिक दस्तावेज भी है। प्रयास ऐसे हों कि हमारी आने वाली पीढिय़ां भी यहां पढ़ सकें।
 Source: भास्कर न्यूज 

आओ बचाएं अपना स्कूल - Heritage Vijay High School, Mandi

Alumni launch campaign to restore school building

Kuldeep Chauhan
Tribune News Service

Mandi, December 14
In a bid to save a 145-year-old school building in this temple town, alumni of Vijay High School have embarked upon a signature campaign to garner support for its restoration as a heritage building.
A meeting of the school alumni was held here after a Supreme Court judge, Justice Swantra Kumar, visited his alma matter earlier this year and expressed the desire that the building, a remnant of Pahari wooden architecture, should be restored.
The school has produced professionals, including doctors, engineers and academics, for the past more than 14 decades.
Anil Sharma, president of the alumni association, said the building was in a dilapidated condition. The school was established in the name of Anglo Vernacular Middle School in 1866 and was upgraded as a high school in 1921 and named Vijay High School as a tribute to the then ruler of Mandi state and founder of the school, King Vijay Sen, he added.
He said the association had taken up the issue with the Chief Minister a number of times, but in vain. “All of us are emotionally attached to this building as numerous luminaries have studied here,” he added.
“We have been trying to save this building, but so far nothing concrete has emerged,” said Dr C Parmar, an alumnus of the school and horticulture scientist.
Vallabh Government College Principal MS Jambal said he had visited the old building of Vijay High School along with a team, constituted by the local administration, to verify the condition of the building. The wooden structure had been damaged partially, but its basic structure was still intact and repair could save it, he said.
Dr Raju, an agriculture scientist, said any delay in protecting the building may prove disastrous. The association had started a signature campaign to awaken the alumni and people of the town to come forward and join hands to save it.
All residents should pool in resources to save it, he added.

The Old Students Association

“ Change begins with you. Let us preserve our heritage .. . . . . . !”
The formation of the Old Students Association of Bijai Senior Secondary School Mandi, is the result of the feedback received from a cross-section of the alumni and the the well-wishers of this very old school of Himachal Pradesh.
Although the effort is belated one, yet it shows the strong attachment the alumni have for this glorious institution. They firmly believe that they owe their success in life to a large extent, to the education and values inculcated in them by this school.
The idea of forming such an association took shape in a meeting attended by seven old students of 1973 and 1974 batch, namely Sh Anil Sharma,Sh Hemant Kapoor, ShTarachand Patyal,Dr Kanwarjeet Malhotra,Sh Hukam Chand,Sh Harish Verma and Sh Gajindera Behl on 2nd July 2006.AII those present chose Sh Anil Sharma as a co-ordinater.He was later formally elected the president of the association on 1st Oct. 2006.Sh Tara Chand Patyal was elected secretary along with other office bearers.
It was decided that 1st Oct. of every year henceforth be observed as 'Founder Day'
The annual function would also be held in the month of October every year on the Sunday following Second Saturday of this month. A decision was taken to honour some of the oldest students of this school in this function.
The first annual function of the OSA was held on 14th Oct 2007 and second on 12th Oct.2008. However due to certain unavoidable circumstances, the third function could only be organized on 13th Dec 2009.The girls of 1948 batch and teachers of pre-independence days were also honoured on this occasion.
Starting with 50 founder members that helped to strengthen the organization, at present the association has 350 members. There are 55 life members with a contribution of Rs.1000/-each,and the rest are annual members with annual subscription of Rs 100/each.
The alumni of an institution can play a crucial role in maintaining the glory of their Alma mater, especially when government schools are not a favourite with parents these days for the education of their children. The OSA can help maintain contacts with the esteemed alumni for their valuable contribution to keep the past glory of the school intact.
The OSA of Govt Bijai Sen.Sec.School has formulated its contribution for a smooth functioning of the organization with its emphasis on preserving the heritage of the school as one of the symbols of erstwhile Mandi State and making it a model school for the coming generations.
We, the members of the OSA appeal to the alumni of this school in different parts of
india, to share their time, expertise and contacts with us for the welfare of this institution. Our success in this respect could engender a strong sense of community and enduring-relationships.
Their suggestions for improvement would be valued greatly.
Santosh Kumar

Govt. Bijai Senior Secondary School Mandi

A brief history of the school since its inception and the changes that followed during the British Rule over the country.

Raja Bijai Sen, the founder of this school, was merely 4 years old when he was declared the successor to the throne of Mandi State in 1851.0n attaining majority, he was formally invested with the powers of a ruler by Sir Douglas Forsyth on 12th Oct1866. On this auspicious occasion, the Raja donated a sum of Rupees One Lac for Public utility works, including establishing a school at Mandi. The setting of Anglo Vernacular Middle School(1866) as it was initially called ushered in an era of literacy through a proper system of education for the common people of the state. In due course a second storey was added at a cost of Rs.l0,000/-to the original building.

Later when Raja Joginder Sen(1913-1948) upgraded the school to matriculation in 1921, it was christened "Bijai High School" after its founder. Several extensions were made during his rule to the existing building, viz.the U Block, Science Block, Drawing Art Room (round id shape), a hostel and agriculture farm, all to meet the needs of various disciplines.

At present, the wooden two storey building of the Primary wing is in poor condition. Due to this the primary classes have been shifted to the U Block. Classes for girls, up to the 5th are also running here.

The school has now become Govt. Senior Secondary School and has classes up to the 12th, since 1986.


B. S. S. School Old. Students. Association is organising a "yog sihvar" on 12th-13th. June (saturday & sunday) at school ground from 5 a.m.to 7a.m. All are invited. Contact 91291-271271(president)94187-29928(secretary). Thank you.

2009 Annual Function On 13/12/2009

The 2009 Annual Function of the OSA held at the school building on 13/012/209.

Exhibition old photographs and other objects connected with the school

It was also decided at the Executive meeting on 9 August that a small exhibition shall held on the forthcoming OSA Annual Function. Therefore the members and other old students are requested to dig out the old photographs and other memoralia related with the school from their collection. OSA will use it in the Annual Function exhibition. Please inform OSA Presient, Secretary about your possesions.

Membership fees

All the members are requested to kindly renew their membership by paying the fees to the cashier or other official of the Association.
It was decided in the EC Meeting held on 9 August that all the executive members should opt Life Membership instead of Annual Membership. Consequently, all the executive members who are Annual Members till now, are requested to get enrolled as Life Members by paying the a sum of Rs.1000 - amount paid by them towards their Annual Membership fee till now, to the Secretary or the Cashier.


The old students interested in joining the OSA, should submit their application on the prescribed application form which can be downloaded from here.

There are three categories of members:

a. Honorary members - The old students who are above 80 years old. There is no membership fee for this category.

b. Annual members - Membership fee of Rs.100 to be paid every year.

c. Life members - One time membership fee of Rs. 1000.

Completed application, downloadable here, form along with one photograph and the membership fees should be handed over to the following member:

Santosh Kumar
Pawan Studio
School Bazaar
Mandi HP 175001

Fees may be paid either cash or by cheques favouring Old Students Association, Mandi,

SB A/C 792010100007184

with Bank of India, Mandi.

The amount can also be deposited online in this account from other places.

Save Our School campaign

Over 300 members of Old Students Association has demanded heritage status for 143 year old rare gable-shaped school building. The Association President Anil Sharma along with committee presented memorandum to Mandi Deputy Commissioner and highlighted its historical importance and present status of the building.

The Committee members; Sh. Naresh Malhotra, Sh. Kishori Lal Vaidya and other said they would take up the pathetic plight of school building with government and other departments to declare it a heritage building. They said the school had produced professionals, scientists and politicians and Association had taken upon itself the task of not only bridging the missing link among former students and organizing socio cultural activities but highlighting the need for preserving 143 old alma mater of several thousands of students who had passed out an carved history for themselves.

"The wooden structure building still stands out as a crown and testimony of its excellence giving the Nostalgic feeling of a by-gone era of generations that have been part of this great institution. The Association feels strongly to make the posterity to be a part of this movement." they added.


Mandi, a rapidly developing town of Himachal Pradesh, is situated on the banks of river Beas that enhances its picturesque beauty. This town is also known as Choti Kashi having number of temples with architectural excellence that are an integral part of its historical, cultural and spiritual heritage. Mandi town has kept pace with modern developments in various fields such as education, health, commerce and communication. It can boast of producing an elite class comprising of doctors, engineers, teachers public representatives, judges and defense personals. The credit of shaping their career goes much to Government Vijay Senior Secondary School Mandi.
This school is named after the name of Raja of Mandi State, Raja Vijay Sen. It was established in 1866 as Anglo Vernacular Middle school. Now it is among the best schools of the state dedicated to the cause of learning.
In 1864, the government granted the Raja(Vijay Sen. then about 18 years) a salute of eleven guns and on 12th October 1866, having attained his majority, he was firmly invested by Sir Douglas Forsyth with the powers of ruling prince. On this occasion he devoted one Lakh of Rupees for works of public utility in the state, as an auspicious commencement of his reign. These included a school,hospital and Post Office etc in the town of Mandi.
The most important school in the state was the Anglo Vernacular middle school at Mandi (presently known as Government Vijay Senior Secondary School Mandi) where the number of boys exceeded five hundred. Of these about one half received instruction in English, the rest being taught Urdu. The building was good one but the rapid increase in numbers had put a severe strain on the available accommodation. Than it was felt that it would be necessary to find other buildings for the primary department.
The staff was adequate in numbers, but mostly untrained and the main efforts of the Darbar during that time had been to provide trained teachers. Youths of promise were being send each year to various training institutions. The moral tone and discipline were satisfactory. The boys were keen on games, first aid lectures had been introduced students club was doing useful work and special attention was paid to physical culture. The standard of the education was as good as could be expected from subordinate staff available. The town people were very keen on educating there sons and were anxious that a High School should be opened. Later on this middle school was converted into High School. This school has been the Alma-mater fir the maximum citizens of Mandi. Since there is no link between the present and the past students hence it was observed that this school can serve that purpose in a better way so as to give healthy direction to the coming students in the month of October 2006, some of the old students of this school met and shared their views on the following points.
1. To hold periodic reunions of the old students to help in maintaining links with their Alma-mater.
2. To highlight the healthy traditions of the school in the field of Academics, cultural activities and sports etc.
3. To extend cooperation to the school administration for the betterment of the institution in case of demand/need.
4. To organize periodical lectures from old students to the new students in their respective field of specialization.
5. To organize medical check up camp, blood donation camp, eye camps and other programs related to medical awareness.
6. To practise yoga to the youth/society.
7. To honour sports men, artists, social workers, brilliant student and Senior citizens.
8. To help the poor and needy children of the society.
9. To retain old structure if possible, as well as the heritage of the school.
After having discussion on the above points the need was felt to have some platform where these issues can be addressed. Eventually an idea of formation of old students Association on Vijay High School Mandi was coined up by some elite friends so that it may benefit Alma-mater which in turn society as well as Mandi town.


In the year 1851, when Bijai Sen was merely four years of age, he was declared successor to the throne of Mandi State. On attaining majority he was formally invested with the powers of a ruling prince by Sir Douglas Forsyth, a representative of the British Government in India; 12th October 1866.
His Highness Raja Bijai Sen (1851-1902) who founded this school as Anglo Vernacular Middle School in in 1866 and on whose name the school is named .
His Highness Raja Sir Joginder Sen (1913-1948) who upgraded the school to a "high school" in 1921.


On this auspicious occasion the Raja earmarked a sum of Rs. One lac for public utility works including school, hospital and post office at Mandi, the state headquarters. The setting up of "Anglo Vernacular Middle School" (1866) as it was initially Known, was virtually a start of new education system in the State under the guidelines of British Raj. In due course of time, the old double storey school building was raised at a cost of Rs. ten thousand. This magnificent structure is now in a highly dilapidated state crying for restoration.

Later when Raja Joginder Sen (1913-1948) upgraded the school to high standard in 1921; it was christened "Bijai High School" after the name of its founder. The ruler made several extensions to the existing building viz U-Block, Science Block, Drawing & Art Room, Hostel & Agriculture Farm, all to meet the requirements of various disciplines.

Later in 1986, with the introduction of Senior Secondary classes in HP, old school was renamed "Government Senior Secondary School after 100 years of its functioning.


The Old Students Association was constituted at the initiative of some old students of the class of 1973 with the following objectives:

The following old students formed the first OSA executive

Anil Sharma - President

Dr. Kanwar Jeet Singh - Senior Vice President

Devi Dass - Vice President

Tara Chand Patyal - General Secretary

Santosh Kumar - Joint Secretary

Dinesh Gupta - Treasure

Hemant Kappor - Member

Nareder Kaundal - Member

Gajindra Behl - Member

Hukam Singh - Member

Ashok Awasthi - Member

Narender Kaushal - Member

Naveen Behl - Member

Aims and objectives of the Association:

To do the needful to the cause of education in the institutions decided by the members of the executive committee by majority of voted from time to time.

To hold periodic re-unions of the Old Students to help maintain links with their Alma-mater.

To highlight the healthy traditions of the school in the field of academics, cultural activities and sports.

To foster fellowship and friendship amongst the old student association of this school.

To serve as a link between the past and the present so as to give healthy directions to the coming students.

To co-operate with the school administration for the betterment of the institution.

To arrange periodic lectures from old students to the new students in their respective fields of specialization.

To organize medical check-up champs, blood donation camps. Eye camps and other program related to the medical awareness.

To educate Yoga to the youth, and the society.

To provide co-operation in the implementation of literacy compaign in the society.

To provide the vocational training and guidance.

To give honour to the sportsman, artists, social workers and brilliant students and senior citizens.

To help the poor and needy children of the society.

To strengthen old Indian Culture and to maintain the old traditions of the school with the present situation.

To retain old structures and heritage of the school.

To do any other activities necessary for the achievement of the aims and objectives of the association.

Present executive of the OSA:

Anil Sharma - President

T.C. Patial - Advisor

Santosh Kumar - Secretary

Gajender Behl - Joint Secretary

Dr. Kanwar Jeet Singh - Senior Vice President

Devi Dass - Vice President

Dinesh Gupta - Treasurer.

Narender Kausahal - Press Secretary

Yash Pal Goel - Auditor

Hemant Kapoor - Leger Advisor

Dr. C. Parmar - Member

Naresh Malhotra - Member

Kishori Lal Vaidys - Member

Kailash Mitter Tiwari - Member

Dharam Chand Kapoor - Member

Lalit Kapoor - Member

Piyush - Member

Pawan Gupta - Member

Prithvi Sen - Member

Hukam Chand Thakur - Member

Chetan Gupta - Member

Narender Sharma - Member

Tara Chand Verma - Member

Suresh Behl - Member

Special Invitees to the executive

Jyoti Malhotra

Dinesh Malhotra

M.L. Sharma

Kanchan Sharma


Dr. Ashok Awasthi

Sunil Sharma

Lal Singh Sen

Ravinder Sharma

K.C. Rana


In the year 1851, when Bijai Sen was merely four years of age, he was declared successor to the throne of Mandi State. On attaining majority he was formally invested with the powers of a ruling prince by Sir Douglas Forsyth, a representative of the British Government in India; 12th October 1866.

On this auspicious occasion the Raja earmarked a sum of Rs. One lac for public utility works including school, hospital and post office at Mandi the state headquarters. The setting up of "Anglo Vernacular Middle School" (1866) as it was initially Known, was virtually a start of new education system in the State under the guidelines of British Raj. In due course of time, the school building was raised to a double storey at a cost of Rs. ten thousand.

Later when Raja Joginder Sen (1913-1948) upgraded the school to high standard in 1921; it was christened "Bijai High School" after the name of its founder. The ruler made several extensions to the existing building viz U-Block, Science Block, Drawing & Art Room, Hostel & Agriculture Farm, all to meet the requirements of various disciplines.

Later in 1986, with the introduction of Senior Secondary classes in HP, old school was renamed "Government Senior Secondary School after 100 years of its functioning.


1. The old Building of the Government Bijai High School is a historic wooden structure that has witnessed an unprecedented growth of education for more than 14 decades not only in Mandi town but all over Mandi Sadar Tehsil area and elsewhere in the district.

2. This Institution has produced some of the top intellectuals in different fields. Old students of this school have won laurels at both National and International levels. To mention a few among them, the ex-students include Dr. B.C. Roy Award holders in medicine, Senior Professors in IITs, national level Politicians, army Generals up to the rank of Lt. General, members of Higher judiciary, Life time achievers in their professions, renowned Agricultural Scientists, senior Academicians and similar top level achievers. There is a long list of former students who have excelled in their respective fields of specialization and thus made significant contribution to the overall socio economic empowerment of the people of the state in particular and nation at large.

3. To mention in brief, this School was established in the name of Anglo Vernacular Middle School in the year 1866 and upgraded as High School and named Bijai High School in 1921 as a tribute to the founder of the school-the erstwhile ruler of Mandi state-Raja Bijai Sen. In due course in 1986, with the introduction of Senior Secondary classes, it was renamed Government Senior Secondary School.

4. With this background, the Old students Association of the School, has taken upon itself the task of not only bridging the missing links among former students and organizing socio cultural activities but highlighting the need for preserving the 142 years old alma mater of several thousands of students who have passed out and carved a history for themselves-a wooden structure that still stands out as a crown and a testimony of its excellence giving the nostalgic feeling of a by-gone era of generations that have been part of this great institution. The Association feels strongly to make the posterity to be a part of this movement.

5. The old grand wooden building (though not in use now) is still a treat to watch. If preserved and restored well, the Building can be converted into one of the tourist destination in the town. As the situation stands today, this building may not be in a totally depilated condition but could soon victim of vagaries of weather conditions and more particularly the continuing neglect.

6. In the context of the historical importance of this 142 years old school, the old Students Association requests the Himachal Pradesh Government to declare it as a Heritage Building and taken necessary steps to preserve and maintain it to the level of its past glory.

7. Since this process may take time and the old Building requires immediate attention, the Association urges the Deputy Commissioner to get the status report or the Building from concerned department like PWD, Revenue, Language & Culture. The Association is particularly concerned about fire hazards, rain water leakages and other factors related to neglect of the building.

8. The Association would further request the District Administration to take interim measures for the up keep of the building till some specific action plan is sanctioned for this purpose. On its part, the Association assures full cooperation and help to the extent possible in complementing and supplementing the efforts of District Authority in this regard.

The Association sincerely hopes that some urgent relief would be forthcoming from the District administration.


A new website of school designed and development by
Dr. C. Parmar & Jasvinder Singh



This is to inform all the members of OSA that monthly meeting will be held on second Sunday of every month at 5.30 PM in the school premises .
Please confirm your presence.

OSA Mandi
Date : 10/05/2009

Executive Committee

Name of Executive Committee (alphabetically)-Details-2009-10
Name Address Contact No.
Anil Sharma 34/3,Palace Colony,Mandi 9418080887
Chetan Jail Road, Mandi 9418024713
Col. (Rtd) K.K.Malhotra Kataula Road, Mandi 9816125600
D.C Kapoor 259/3 Jail Road Mandi 9418497700
Devi Dass 108/13,Near Gita Bhawan,Paddal,Mandi 9418022136
Dinesh Gupta School Bazaar Mandi 9816003233
Dinesh Malhotra C/O United Traders ,School Bazaar Mandi 9817008200
Dr.C.Parmar 186/3,Jail Road, Mandi 9418181323
Dr.Kanwarjeet Singh 42/12,Ram Nagar Mandi 9418001155
Gajender Behl 131/1,Kataula Road,Mandi 9418005505
Hemant Kapoor 104/7,Samkheter,Mandi 9418055755
Hukam Singh Thakur 36/5, Palace Colony, Mandi 9418056484
Jayoti Malhotra C/O M/S Tara Chand & Sons, Mandi 9418022501
K.M.Tiwari 282/6 Moti Bazaar,Mandi 9418022043
Kanchan Sharma 148/3,Palace Colony,Mandi 9816804210
Kishori Lal Vaidya Sai Nikunj,Upper Bhiuli,Mandi 9418492165
Lalit Kapoor 121/7,National Street, Mandi 9418420343
Narender Kaushal 84/2 Purani Mandi,Mandi 9418028199
Narender Sharma 146/11,Tarna Hill,Mandi 9816154055
Naresh Malhotra 83/1,Jawahar Nagar, Mandi 01905-236743
Pawan Gupta 208/11,Thanera Muhalla, Mandi 9418158352
Piyush Bhanu Kapoor 35/2 Purani Mandi,Mandi 9418114133
Pratibha D/O Sh. Shiv Nandan,278/3,Jail Road, Mandi 01905-329517
Prithvi Sen 242/7,Moti Bazaar Mandi 9418024824
Santosh Kumar 234/10,Thanera Muhalla, Mandi 9418729928
Sunil Sharma 34/3,Palace Colony, Mandi 9418544550
Suresh Behl 82/1,Jawahar Nagar , Mandi. 9418000097
T.C.Patyal V.Brindavan,P.O Duddar,Tehsil Mandi 9816112650
Tara Chand Verma V.TthwariMatt.P.O.Bari,Tehsil Sadar Mandi 9816372707
Yaash Pal Goel 168/9,Chobata Street, Mandi 9418053585